
Preparation for participation

The creation and successful management of a tender department is an important stage for companies that want to effectively participate in public procurement and commercial tenders. With the correct organization of the tender process, the company significantly minimizes risks and significantly increases the chances of successfully concluding contracts.

We conduct individual training so that you understand the basics of working in the sphere of public procurement. We explain the key provisions of 44-FZ and 223-FZ, the rules for participation in tenders, the main stages of the procurement procedure and the specifics of working on electronic trading platforms. This helps you confidently navigate the system and make the right decisions.

We conduct individual training so that you understand the basics of working in the sphere of public procurement. We explain the key provisions of 44-FZ and 223-FZ, the rules for participation in tenders, the main stages of the procurement procedure and the specifics of working on electronic trading platforms. This helps you confidently navigate the system and make the right decisions.

Once you have decided on the tenders you want to participate in, we conduct a preliminary analysis of them. We carefully study the conditions, requirements and risks, compare them with your company's capabilities in order to offer the most profitable and safest options for participation.

Leave the worry of finding a customer to us. All you have to do is fulfill the contract.
INN 3019029432
Gearbox 301901001
OGRN 1213000000400
Central Federal District
North-Western Federal District
Southern and Volga FD
Urals and Siberian Federal District
Far Eastern Federal District
North Caucasus Federal District
ONE CLICKCommunication methods
Today, it's important to stay connected in any way you can.
Leave the worries of finding a customer to us.

All you have to do is fulfill the contract.
INN 3019029432
Gearbox 301901001
OGRN 1213000000400
Central Federal District
North-Western Federal District
Southern and Volga FD
Urals and Siberian Federal District
Far Eastern Federal District
North Caucasus Federal District
ONE CLICKCommunication methods
Today, it's important to stay connected in any way you can.

© 2021-2025 LTD «Business Time» - state order, tenders | Development @iluhin

© 2021-2025 LTD «Business Time» - state order, tenders
development @iluhin