We are always in touch! If you have any questions, need help with choosing services or want to discuss cooperation opportunities, please contact us in a convenient way. We value your time and are ready to promptly respond to your requests.
We are always ready to help with the choice of services, discuss cooperation or find the best solution for your business. Write in messenger, send an e-mail or just call and we will promptly respond and do everything to make you satisfied. Your success is our main task!
Our Telegram
+7 (909) 577 5885
Our Whatsapp
+7 (909) 577 5885
Our phone number
+7 (995) 877 5884
Our Email
We are always ready to help with the choice of services, discuss cooperation or find the best solution for your business. Write in messenger, send an e-mail or just call and we will promptly respond and do everything to make you satisfied. Your success is our main task!
Our Telegram
+7 (909) 577 5885
Our Whatsapp
+7 (909) 577 5885
Our phone number
+7 (995) 877 5884
Our Email
Блізкасць рынкаў, агульныя стандарты, надзейныя рашэнні - расійскае тэндэрнае суправаджэнне для поспеху вашага бізнесу ў Беларусі!
Опыт и экспертиза
Работа в схожих правовых системах Понимание белорусского рынка
Saving time and resources
Быстрая адаптация под требования Минимизация бюрократических издержек
Individual approach
Решения для госзакупок РБ Поддержка в условиях ЕАЭС
Қазақстан үшін тиімді шешімдер: ресейлік тәжірибе, жергілікті ерекшеліктерді білу және тендерді қолдаудағы сенімді серіктестік!
102-0082 Chiyoda-ku, Ichibancho, 15-5
Call us
042-3996514 042-4031877
Email us
info@avantage.jp office@avantage.jp
Visit our agency or simply send us an email anytime you want. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Recommending us means strengthening your competitors. In the business world, it is not customary to share powerful tools. No one wants yesterday's competitor to learn to work just as effectively today and start winning their contracts.
Remote support is convenience, security and access to professional services, no matter where you are. We combine state-of-the-art technology with time-tested Nordic values so you can move confidently toward success.
Opportunity to participate in significant projects and grow your business in defense procurement. We will make sure that every bid is submitted professionally and every contract is successfully executed.
The expert takes over not only the operational work, but also the strategic support, saving you money. With outsourcing, you only pay for a comprehensive approach to participation "from start to finish".